I’ve recently updated GreenDroid. This update includes minors changes and additions:
- New built-in
s added. As you all know (I’m saying that over and over again!), GreenDroid is a library intended to make UI development easy and consistent. Making UI development easier also implies helping developers creating stunning UIs. As a result, GreenDroid now includes several defaultActionBarItem
s that may be used simply doingaddActionBarItem(Type.Edit)
. Those icons are extracted from the great “Android Asset Studio” developed by Roman Nurik. Here are some of the icons available in GreenDroid:
Documentation have been fixed and some new comments have been added to help developers understanding the library. As usual, do not forget a sample project demonstrating some of the GreenDroid features is also included in the project.
constants fixed.
For those you have missed my previous posts … the GreenDroid library is available on GitHub at the following address:
I hope you’ll enjoy this new version of GreenDroid. I’m looking forward seeing what you can do with it!